SLO Hostels

Legal notice

Identification de l’entreprise

Website publisher : SLO Hostels

Registered head office : RBSH SAS, SLO Hostels, 6B Rue des Capucins, 69001 Lyon, France

VAT registration number : FR32794250589

Trade and companies register number (RCS) : RCS LYON 794 250 589

SIRET (business registration number) : 794 250 589 00031

Capital : 94 933€

Person having legal responsibility for the content of the Website : Julien Routil

Get in touch : To send us a message about this legal notice, please go to the ‘contact’ page of the Website and

select ‘Ts and Cs & GDPR’ in the menu

Telephone number : +33 4 78 31 69 16.

All postal correspondance must be addressed to : RBSH SAS, SLO Hostels, 6B Rue des Capucins, 69001 Lyon, France


Name : 02 Switch

Identification : 510 909 807 00032, RCS Clermont Ferrand, SAS capital 100 000€

ARCEP id : 09/2989 – AS50474


Company name or business name : MARK MAKERS

Website :

Address of registered head office : La Poulaillerie – 5 route de Bournigal, 44190 CLISSON

Email :

Intellectual property

This Website is a work of authorship as defined in the French Intellectual Property Code. Each of its 

constituent parts, especially but not limited to its text, images, graphic design elements, videos, 

photographs, databases, software, logos and distinctive signs, especially trademarks, are the exclusive

property of SLO or its partners.

These elements are protected by French and international intellectual property legislation, more 

specifically, copyright law.

The reproduction, representation and extraction, whether in whole or in part, permanently or on a 

temporary basis, including by means of framing, hotlinking or similar techniques, of the Website or any of

its constituent parts, including hosted content, without SLO’s permission is forbidden and constitutes a

violation of copyright, which may incur civil and criminal liability under the French Intellectual Property


Personal data

SLO’s policy as it relates to personal data is set out in the ‘Privacy policy’ document.

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