Our hostels are slow tourism advocates !
A stay in a hostel is 82% less carbon intense than a hotel*.
Staying with Slo is a more eco-friendly form of travel.
Here are all of the things our teams do on a day-to-day basis to further reduce the environmental impact of tourism and invest travel with more meaning!
* Source: Hostelworld/Bureau Veritas study (March 2024)
Our goal: 100% of our hostels awarded by the Green Key label !
Our entire team is committed to reducing our emissions by reducing our energy consumption, waste, harmful cleaning products, etc.
This commitment has been rewarded by the award of the Clef Verte label in Lyon since 2021!
In Nice, the establishment applied for the label in April 2024. Audits are underway and our teams are working towards obtaining the label in September 2024!
The Green Key eco-label
The leading eco-label for tourism and hospitality facilities, recognizing establishments that are making ongoing, active and effective efforts to have a positive impact on the environment.
It’s awarded annually by an independent panel of experts and professionals from the tourism industry and the environmental field.
Resource conservation
Reducing water usage and wastage
Taps and showers are fitted with aerators and push buttons.
Sheets and towels are not changed daily.
We have banned the use of bleach, as it causes respiratory irritation and is harmful to aquatic life.
Energy saving
100% of our electricity comes from renewable sources.
All our electric bulbs are low-energy LEDs.
When planning new hostels, we aim to refurbish buildings rather than building entirely new ones.
Eco-friendly purchasing policies
Furniture, cleaning products and IT products.
Most of our cleaning products and consumables are eco-labelled and used sparingly (automatic dosing systems).
Most of our IT hardware is refurbished.
We will always try to use reclaimed furniture and materials found in second-hand shops.
We always offer a vegetarian option
We use organic products and/or fair trade products.
We choose service providers and suppliers who are committed to a socially and environmentally responsible approach.
Waste reduction
Selective sorting, especially in the kitchens and in relation to deliveries (cardboard boxes, plastic etc).
We do not use individually wrapped hotel complimentary products to reduce waste.
Water is available in a carafe to avoid using plastic bottles.
Where possible, our buffets are composed of bulk-bought products to reduce packaging.
Biodegradable waste is composted in a worm composter.
We avoid using disposable tableware and we do not use any containers made from plastic or non-recyclable materials. We avoid using unnecessary packaging: we try to use bulk packaged products.
Low-impact transportation
We use the train for all our work trips.
Choose the train to visit us ! It produces 40 times less pollution than air travel and 7 times less pollution than travelling by bus.
Once on site, thanks to our central location, you can use public transportation or walk. There will be maps and timetables available !
We offer a bicycle rental service.
Sustainable buildings

Sustainable construction/renovation

Our Nice hostel is BDM-certified (Mediterranean Sustainable Buildings – on progress)